Publik Servus

Curation of original eclectic imaging in analog and digital photography

Random Acts of Nature

Anna's Hummingbird

Random Acts Of Nature are moments in the wild that occur every moment of every day when no human intervention, and sometimes no human observation, occurs.

These are observations from a distance, not intrusion for a snapshot. Most of my work is meant to educate and inform as to the beauty of nature’s struggle to survive on a daily basis.

Curlew chasing down a feisty black crab

Reg Whatley Inspirations Landscapes of our world

Tree Grand Canyon

Let us not forget Mother Nature has gifted us with a series of majestic marvels to protect and preserve.

Natural beauty in its Raw form

California Sunrise Tubes

Man Made by Hand

Man Made by Hand is the study of man’s attempt to mimic Mother Nature’s symmetry in both black and white film and digital color.

Each and every species is to be protected, not neglected. This includes our family pets by visiting here Happy Pet Moments

Shop finished fine art acrylic prints, limited number signed by photo artist.

Shop finished fine art acrylic prints, limited number signed by photo-artist. Current pieces are now here.

Shop Prints

Fine art sized from 40” x 30” and above digital finished. Substrates available are acrylic, birch, bamboo, metal, and museum-grade paper. Each piece is limited in number and signed prints.